July 30, 2016

Mobile Friendly Sites

In addition, heavy graphics on traditional websites are harder to load. For these reasons, if you’re serious about providing for the needs of your mobile customers, want to stay ahead of your competition, you should be looking at creating a mobile-friendly website for your business.

  • 50% of daily deals offers like Groupon are viewed on a mobile phone
  • 50% + of social media traffic comes through a mobile phone
  • 50% of searches for local businesses and services now happens on a smart phone

Mobile-friendly websites don’t have to be expensive. At Victoria Mobile Marketing we can create a mobile presence for you very cost-effectively. Meet the needs of a more mobile customer and capture more ‘on the move’ business. And we will ensure that your mobi site is properly constructed. Some are simply inadequate for the job and could hurt you more than help you. Here is more from Google on the subject:

“A poor mobile web experience can negatively shape a consumer’s opinion of your brand or your company altogether.  In a recent study, we found that 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site that they had trouble accessing from their phone, and 40% go to a competitor’s.”

 Some Features of Your New Mobile Website

    • Smart phone compatible (IPhone, Android, Blackberry and more)
    • Conforms to industry recognized protocols
    • Automatic redirection for mobile visitors from your regular site to your mobile site
  • Options you can choose, like adding video

If you’re a small business that does not yet have a mobile website, now is the perfect time to get ahead of the ‘curve’ with a simple but effective website to promote your business online – a mobile-friendly website. Contact us now to find out more about how to join the mobile revolution and take your business to the next level.

A Few Mobile Website Facts

Some industry observers believe that not having a mobile-friendly website today is the equivalent of not having a website in the year 2000. According to Tray Harvin, CEO of dotMobi, Are we going mobile?” shouldn’t be the question to ask. “How are we going mobile?” is the question.

By 2013, the number of people using smart mobile phones (Blackberry, iPhone, etc.) to access the Internet on the go, is predicted to rise to an incredible 134 million, and more people will use their smartphones than PCs as their day-to-day devices.

Plumey Graphix (PGx) will help you move in to the next gen area of Mobile Websites. Add Music or Video to your page. Sample below.